Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week #10 My Thoughts

I muddled through and finished. I had a lot of help! Thanks Nedra. To summarize, I learned a lot of new things and except for Wikis, my least favorite thing to do, it was ok! I suppose if another program was offered..... I would give it a try. However...... This took a great deal of time.

Week #10 Social Networking

I know a little about MySpace, but I didn't know anything about Facebook or Linkedin. Facebook look easier so I setup a Facebook account for myself.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week #9 Podcasts

Went to The Library Channel podcast lists. I found a podcast for ASU Libary's Systems Help Desk and the Indispensable Librarian Parts 1-3.

Week #9 YouTube

My favorite band.....

Week #8 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

Google is my favorite web 2.0 tool. It's like a one stop shopping for tools. You can use the Google Calendar that looks a lot like Oracle Calendar. You can create documents with Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Google E-mail and games. All of these tools are free!

Week #8 Google Docs & Spreadsheets

This is a test document for Google Docs & Spreadsheets.

Week #7 Playing around Wiki's

I travel to Cleveland when the Indians play home games. I enjoy going to the game while visiting with family and friends.

I added a link to the Indians home page on the OULibraries Learn Wiki for the exercise.

I also added my blog to the Favorite Blogs page.